Event Description

43rd Air Armament Symposium
"Cyber Resilience in Air Armaments"
Sponsored by NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter

* No Briefing Provided Briefing post

Day One:

Ms Mary Ward, NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter President

PEO Welcome*
Brig Gen Anthony Genatempo, AF PEO Weapons

Keynote Address*
Lt Gen Arnold W. Bunch, SAF/AQ

Mr Gregg Costabile, F-35 Program

MOAB Program*
Dr. Mark Hunter, AFRL/RW

Cybersecurity Testing
Mr. Tim Palmer, Torch Technologies

AF PEO Perspective*
Brig Gen Anthony Genatempo, AF PEO Weapons

NAVAIR Perspective*
Capt Jim Stoneman, NAVAIR PMA-259

AFSOC Perspective*
Maj Gen Mike Plehn, AFSOC

Maj Gen Shawn Morris, AF Nuclear Weapons Center

ACC Perspective*
Col Mike Thompson, ACC

53D Wing Perspective*
Col David Abba, ACC/53D Wing

EOD Summary*
Ms Mary Ward, NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter President

Day Two:

Industry Panel*
Lockheed Martin: Tom Owen; Torch: John Watson; Intuitive: Hal Brewer, Raytheon: Dave Scott; Boeing: Carl Avila, NG: Chris Patrick. Moderator: Kevin Vance

F-22 Stores Integration
Maj Gen (ret) Kenneth Merchant, Lockheed Martin

DARPA AEO Overview
Maj Gen (ret) Thomas Masiello, Director Adaptive Execution Office (AEO)

PEO Fighters and Bombers Perspective*
Brig Gen Michael Schmidt, PEO Fighters and Bombers

Lt Gen Robert McMurry, AFLCMC

Innovative Weapon Technology Solutions for the Current & Future Fight
Col Garry Haase, AFRL/RW

AMFC Perspective*
Brig Gen Chris Azzano, AFMC

Cyber Campaign Plan Status
Mr Daniel Holtzman, HQE
Cyber Technical Director, CROWS

Cyber Resiliency
Brig Gen Evan Dertein, Commander 96TW

Scholarship Winners
Frank Michael, Theresa Hughes, and Bob Hoffman, NDIA National and GCC
Scholarship Board

Heritage Panel*
Ret GOs: Fornell, Stutzriem, and Moore; ret SESs: Wilcox, Rutledge, and Robillard. Moderator: Maj Gen (ret) Chedister

EOC Summary*
Ms Mary Ward, NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter President


Event Details

October 31 – November 1, 2017


Emerald Coast Convention Center
1250 Miracle Strip Parkway SE
Ft. Walton Beach, Florida 32548

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