Day One:
NDIA Kick-Off
Mr. Dave Andrews, President, NDIA
Gulf Coast Chapter
PEO Welcome
Maj Gen Scott Jansson, Air Force Program Executive Officer for
Weapons and Director of the
Armament Directorate
Keynote Speaker Secretariat's Perspective*
Dr William LaPlante, Assistant
Secretary of the Air Force
SOCOM Perspective
Mr. James “Hondo” Geurts,
Acquisition Executive, Special Operations Research, Development,
and Acquisition Center [SORDAC],
U.S. Special Operations Command [USSOCOM]
Industry Perspective
Mr. Scott Donnelly, Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer
Textron Inc.
AFLCMC Perspective
Lt Gen John Thompson, Commander,
Air Force Life Cycle Management
CAF Requirements
Maj Gen Paul Johnson, Director, Operational Capability Requirements, Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic
Plans and Requirements, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
STEMM Scholarship Presentation
Ms. Missy Ward
Maj Gen Tim Ray, Director of Global Power Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Panel - Weapons Enterprise Collaboration
Maj Gen Scott Jansson, Dr. John "Beach" Wilcox, Maj Gen Tim Ray, Maj Gen Paul Johnson
Critical Thinking: A Missing Ingredient in DoD's Acquisition (Education) System
Mr. Sean Frisbee
NAVAIR Perspective
CAPT Jim Stoneman, Commander and Program Manager, PMA-259 (Air-to-Air Missiles), United States Navy
Day Two:
PEO Weapons
Maj Gen Scott Jansson, Air Force Program Executive Officer for Weapons and Director of the Armament Directorate
Test Perspective
Maj Gen Arnie Bunch, Commander, Air Force Test Center
Maj Gen Tom Masiello, Commander, Air Force Research Laboratory, and
Dr. John “Beach” Wilcox, Senior Executive Service, Director for Munitions Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory
Small Business Perspective
Ms. Vicky Armbruster, Intermittent Professor and Deputy Director, Major Defense Acquisition Program Engagements, Defense Acquisition University
Heritage Panel
Lt Gen Eric E. Fiel; Lt Gen Gordon E. Fornell; Maj Gen Richard V. Secord; Dr Steve Butler; Mr Gerry L. Freisthler Moderator: Maj Gen (ret.) Bob Chedister
Warfighter Presentation
Introduction by Col Matthew “Wolf” Davidson, Commander, 24th Special Operations Wing, Air Force Special Operations Command
Maj Harvey and TSgt Blout, 23rd Special Tactics Squadron, Air Force Special Operations Command